Here you'll find details of my speculative fiction novels and short stories.  Cover images link to the publishers' websites, where you can order print editions or access e-book versions.

Remote Sensing


London - the near future. Colin Wright, middle-aged but homeless, finds refuge as a subject in a 'remote viewing' facility run by parapsychologist Zofia Nowak and physicist Harold Godd. Zofia hopes to obtain precognitive visions depicting 2050 outcomes of UK climate crisis policies. The opening sequence of this new novel Remote Sensing  can be read in Deep Ends 2022. Watch this space for announcements of forthcoming publication. 


Dream Clips of the Archons

A dystopian fantasy-satire, exploring an alternative near future , with an admixture of occultism, sex, cyber-culture and religious fundamentalism. The ageing poet Lucas struggles to survive in a new reality in which the UK is now a province of the Russian Federation following the collapse of the American Empire. All he wants to do is write memoirs of old love affairs and perform his poems but he becomes embroiled with the competing conspiracies of The Black Eagle Militia, the enigmatic Pyramid Man and the Neo-Cosmists, who need his skill to promote their vision of interplanetary conquest. His path intersects with young Zoe, an aspiring Tribute Person who dreams of being bio-cybernetically morphed into a famous media icon and Reverend Nizzard, an American preacher on a mission to convert the UK. Qubit, an Artificial Intelligence monitors the action and attempts to influence events, like an Archon or demi-god figure, but ultimately loses control...The book has evolved from Paul Green's first novel, 'The Qliphoth' (Libros Libertad 2007/QBS 2018), and focuses on the same protagonist, but can be read independently like its companion volumes 'Beneath the Pleasure Zones - The Rupture' and 'Beneath the Pleasure Zones - The Polyverse' (Mandrake of Oxford, 2014, 2016) 'Ambitious, with amazing verbal chops and insight.' 


The Qliphoth

Magic collides with physics to create a fissile reality, a voyage into dangerous zones that veers between hilarity and horror in a wild transmutation of every day life. 'A highly recommended novel... demonstrates a superb writing talent and an insight into the mood of the time.' (Tim Pendry - Goodreads). 'The Qliphoth is rich in imagery, beautifully written... a truly unique and powerful novel... like a pinch of Spanish Fly you will be hooked and aroused.' (Chloe Thurlow - Amazon). 'From intense narration to first person hallucination, it's a book that draws you in and leaves you gasping for air.' (Dan Whitehead - Death Ray magazine). 'The voices of the new dead transmit warp knowledge. A word quest launched from the edgelands of arcane knowledge' (Iain Sinclair). This new edition, with cover by Paul Merrit is print only for the UK market.

For the USA/Canadian Edition and links to Kindle or Smashwords in all territories go  to Libros Libertad who published the original 2007 version.

Beneath the Pleasure Zones - The Rupture

Both novels in this sequence explore the aftermath of apocalyptic events evoked in The Qliphoth.   But now the subversive entities of the Qliphoth have resurfaced as the cyber-demonic Quantum Brothers. 'Transgressional sexuality and a profound knowledge of the byways of pagan and magical thinking are integrated with an awareness of current political trends and new technologies.' (Tim Pendry - Goodreads). 'A challenging and rewarding read that satisfies expectations and highlights the possibilities of the genre.' (Darren Gilmore - Amazon).


Beneath the Pleasure Zones - The Polyverse

Post-Rupture, consensus reality mutates still further, taking the human actors on desperate journeys. But from this maelstrom of horror, wonder and dark farce, the possibility of a new beginning emerges. 'Good story telling always leaves you wanting to know what comes next. Green has a talent for some splendidly epigrammatic and surprising phraseology. The bizarre events become satire for our fears and desires about where magic, science and social fragmentation might take us.' (Peter Carroll). 'A minor masterpiece reflecting our times and its troubling uncertainties. A unique take on a world where the Last Trump may have much more specific meaning in  November.' (Tim Pendry - Goodreads, September 2016).

Short Stories

Short stories arising from the Radial Cities multi-media project created by The Quantum Brothers (P.Green & J.Welsh). This compilation includes pieces  published in Brand Magazine, Nth Position, Culture Court, The Recusant, Small Worlds and Unthology 2 (Unthank Books).  The collection also features stories outside the canon that have appeared in The Canadian Fiction Magazine, New Worlds, Negative Entropy, Ragtime, Dark Edifice, Gruesome Grotesques, Deep Ends 1 (The Ballard Book) and Deep Ends for 2018, 2019, 2023 and 2023.




Space Virgins of the Third Reich

Transcribed from a lost manuscript by cult novelist Saul Wolfe this curious work focuses on the erotic adventures of student Ruth, her friends - and enemies - as they  research a 1950s science fiction B-movie, a quest that leads to sexual empowerment and fulfilment for all, except the villainous neo-Nazis.  'A very amusing book that weaves together a magic carpet of comedy and satire threaded through with the strands of a thriller and the echo of Nazi jackboots marching out of the past. Complex as multi-dimensional chess, fascinating and compelling, this is a very fine novel.' (Chloe Thurlow) 'A wonderfully over-the-top satirical romp.' (Michael  Bonsall)  'Very enjoyable read.' (Mike Windus).  Available from Amazon in both print and Kindle formats.

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©Paul Green 2017