Culture Court

Lawrence Russell created  in 1998 as an on-line successor to his pioneering tape magazine DNA.  I've contributed articles on J.G Ballard, William Burroughs, Aleister Crowley, Ken Edwards,  M.John Harrison, Dale PendellIain Sinclair, Colin Wilson and Richard Makin as well as The Poetry Buzz celebration of Allen Fisher. My film and media  reviews include The Day the Earth Caught Fire, Young Adam, Space is the Place (Sun Ra), Asylum, Adrift in Soho

and NIgel Kneale's TV drama The Stone Tape.  There are pieces on musicians Vincent Crane (Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Atomic Rooster), King Tubby Pete Brown,  personal memoirs of the 1960s British Blues scene and travels in Norway, as well as a review of Tim Crook's book on radio drama. The site also hosts some of my audio work.

Deep Ends - The J.G. Ballard Anthologies

Rick McGrath's Terminal Press published the first of his J.G. Ballard anthologies in 2013. I contributed The Impossibility Exhibition, a pastiche-as-homage originally written as part of Jeremy Welsh's 1990 video Terminal ZonesFor subsequent Deep Ends anthologies I contributed pieces on The Watch Towers (2014), The Wind from Nowhere (2015) and Studio 5, the Stars (2016). I have also contributed fiction - Shadow People, Sun Power, The Final Analysis and The Seismic World, as well an extract from Remote Sensing.  Other contributors have included Bea and Fay Ballard, Iain Sinclair, Toby Litt, David Pringle, Pippa Tandy, Dominika Oramus, James Reich and Val Vale, to name just a few. Available in large format hard cover or paperback, distributed via Amazon.

Articles and Reviews

Essays and literary reviews have appeared in Mosaic; L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (Poetics of the Paranormal); South West Review; Alembic; Reality Studios; Canadian Fiction Magazine; Contemporary Literature in Translation. I was assistant editor and contributor to  Contemporary Literature in Translation and editor of Negative Entropy. I also contributed to Clasp (Shearsman Books), a 'collective remembrance' of the London modernist poetry world during the 1970s/80s. I have blogged intermittently:


Arts Journalism & Broadcasting

Arts journalism includes work for New Statesman, City Limits,Stage Door,Vancouver Sun, Hastings Independent. For CBC Radio (Radio Canada): numerous interviews/reviews/ features/acting roles for Critics on Air, Good Morning Radio, Workshop, BC Folio, Vancouver Playhouse. Devised, researched, and presented weekly national network  Blues/Soul/Jazz show 1969-70. Contributed extensively during 1970-78 to CBC FM Network IDEAS  as writer/researcher/interviewer/presenter. Series topics included: Witches & Warlocks, The Future of Divination, Cycles in Science Fiction, Evil,The World of J.K. Huysmans, Nietzsche, Surrealism, Sleep, Travellers. For BBC Radio 3: devised and researched (with writer Iain Sinclair) – Lud Heat -Places & Maps (Radio 3, 1980).

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©Paul Green 2017